发布时间:2016-10-19   访问次数:23616





  beat365官方最新版二级教授、博士生导师。国家生化工程技术研究中心(上海)副主任。90年10月在大阪大学发酵工学科从事基因工程研究一年;91年应邀到英国Bath大学进行膜发酵研究一年。92年12月回国后,获国家教委资助的留学回国人员基金。担任研究生学位课程发酵调控学本科生“生物工程专业英语等教学工作。分别获得研究生课堂教学一等奖和三等奖。98年任硕士生导师。1999年晋升为教授,2001年3月晋升为生物化工专业博士生导师, 目前已有100多名研究生毕业,其中20余人获博士学位,指导的多位研究生在读期间获得国家奖学金、社会奖学金奖励,指导的论文多次评为上海市和校级优秀毕业论文。毕业学生中多人已成为教授、博导及国内外知名企业领导和总工。2004年为微生物学硕士点负责人。完成国家十五“863”及国家十五“863”重大科技专项课题基因工程微生物表达系统发酵过程优化平台技术研究。2000年获教育部高等学校骨干教师资助计划,并于2002年获得高等学校优秀骨干教师称号。2001年获上海市曙光计划资助,2006年获曙光跟踪项目资助。2004年分别获得日本明治乳业生命科学奖和韩国SK基金资助。2006年作为项目负责人完成国家十一五“863”重点项目“头孢菌素C发酵工业用菌种改造和代谢工程技术研究(680万元)”及十一五“973”子课题等项目,并且所在研究团队于2011年2月荣获科技部授予的“十一五”国家科技计划执行优秀团队奖。作为项目负责人先后和英国GMX公司、韩国CJ公司、荷兰DSM公司及英国Strathclyde大学成功进行国际合作研究。2007年6月至12月在美国佐治亚大学遗传系高级访问学者。曾作为项目负责人先后承担博导基金、重大新药创制等项目。2019年度承担合成生物学项目“工业生物过程监控传感系统创建与工业应用”专项课题3课题组长。发表学术论文200余篇。其中SCI收录论文180余篇,EI收入100篇。学术专著及教材4部。迄今已申报包括国际PCT在内的发明专利1 项,申报国家发明专利50项,其中20项已经获得授权。2002、2004、2011年3次获得国家科技进步二等奖(分别为第2,第3,第2完成人)。






2004年度国家科技进步二等奖 “新型食品添加剂呈味核苷酸二钠关键生产工艺技术”(第3完成人) 

2002年度国家科学技术进步二等奖 “基于参数相关的发酵过程生物反应器优化与放大技术”(第2完成人)














1、储炬,李友荣. 现代工业发酵调控学 北京:化学工业出版社, 2002年1月;2006年(第二版);《现代工业发酵调控学》2002年9月获第六届石油和化学工业优秀教材奖二等奖。2006年作为教育部学位管理与研究生教育司推荐研究生教学用书。《现代工业发酵调控学(第三版)》2017年度中国石油和化学工业优秀出版物奖,教材奖一等奖。



4、储炬 李友荣译 《生物化学系统的计算分析[美]Eberhard O.Voit著》,化学工业出版社,2006.1


1、Siliang Zhang, Ju Chu, Yingping Zhuang.  “A Multi-scale Study on Industrial Fermentation Processes and Their Optimization” Advances in Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnlogy, 2004, 87:97-150, Springer-Verlag.

2、Zhang SL. Cao XJ. Chu J. Qian JC. Zhuang YP.  Bioreactors and Bioseparation, Biotechnology in China: Chemicals, Energy & Environment. Advances in Biochemical Engineering-Biotechnology. 2010, 122: 105-150


1.Li Xiaobo,Chen Jun,Andersen Joakim M., Chu Ju*, Jensen, Peter R*.  Cofactor Engineering Redirects Secondary Metabolism and Enhances Erythromycin Production in Saccharopolyspora erythraea [J]. ACS Synthetic Biology, MAR 20 2020

2.Qiao Lijia, Li Xiaobo, Ke Xiang ,Chu Ju*.  A two-component system gene SACE_0101 regulates copper homeostasis in  Saccharopolyspora erythraea BIORESOURCES AND BIOPROCESSING MAR 6 2020

3.Gao Xiaowei, Wang Yonghong*, Chu Ju*.  A preliminary study on the impact of exogenous A-Factor analogue  1,4-butyrolactone on stimulating bitespiramycin biosynthesis BIOPROCESS AND BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING DEC 2019

4. Liu Xiaoyun, Wang Tong, Sun Xiaojuan, Wang Zejian, Tian Xiwei, Zhuang Yingping, Chu Ju*. Optimized sampling protocol for mass spectrometry-based metabolomics in Streptomyces BIORESOURCES AND BIOPROCESSING, SEP 10 2019

5. Chen Guozhi, Chu Ju*.  Characterization of Two Polyketide Synthases Involved in Sorbicillinoid Biosynthesis by Acremonium chrysogenum Using the CRISPR/Cas9 System.  APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, AUG 2019

6. Liu Xiaoyun, Sun Xiaojuan , He Weimin , Tian Xiwei, Zhuang Yingping, Chu Ju* . Dynamic changes of metabolomics and expression of candicidin biosynthesis gene cluster caused by the presence of a pleiotropic regulator AdpA in Streptomyces ZYJ-6 ,BIOPROCESS AND BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING, AUG 2019

7. Lin Yumeng, Chen Yang,Li Qianhui,Tian Xiwei*,Chu Ju* . Rational high-throughput screening system for high sophorolipids production in Candida bombicola by co-utilizing glycerol and glucose capacity.  BIORESOURCES AND BIOPROCESSING, MAY 23 2019

8. Zhou Gang,Tian Xiwei,Lin Yumeng,Zhang Siliang,Chu Ju*.  Rational high-throughput system for screening of high sophorolipids-producing strains of Candida ombicola .BIOPROCESS AND BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING, APR 2019

9. Liu Xiaoyun,Sun Xiaojuan,Wang Tong,Zhang Xin,Tian Xiwei,Zhuang Yingping,  Chu Ju*.  Enhancing candicidin biosynthesis by medium optimization and pH stepwise control strategy with process metabolomics analysis of Streptomyces ZYJ-6,BIOPROCESS AND BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING, DEC 2018

10. Lu Hongzhong,Cao Weiqiang,Liu Xiaoyun,Sui Yufei,Ouyang Liming*,Xia Jianye,   Huang Mingzhi,Zhuang Yingping,Zhang, Siliang,Noorman Henk,Chu Ju* . Multi-omics integrative analysis with genome-scale metabolic model simulation reveals global cellular adaptation of Aspergillus niger under industrial enzyme production condition,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,SEP 26, 2018

11. Zhuang Zhendong,Huang Mingzhi*,Chu Ju*. In silico reconstruction and experimental validation of Saccharopolyspora erythraea genome-scale metabolic model iZZ1342 that   accounts for 1685 ORFs. BIORESOURCES AND BIOPROCESSING , 2018

12. Zhu Xudong, Sun Jingchun, Chu Ju*.  High-content screening of Aspergillus niger with both increased production and high secretion rate of glucose oxidase. BIOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS. JAN 2018

13. Tang W, Deshmukh AT, Haringa C, Wang G, van Gulik W, van Winden W, Reuss M, Heijnen JJ, Xia J, Chu J* and others. 2017. A 9-pool metabolic structured kinetic model describing days to seconds dynamics of growth and product formation by Penicillium chrysogenum. Biotechnol Bioeng 114(8):1733-1743,2017.

14. Wang G, Wu B, Zhao J, Haringa C, Xia J, Chu J*, Zhuang Y, Zhang S, Heijnen JJ, van Gulik W ….Henk J Noorman*. 2018. Power input effects on degeneration in prolonged penicillin chemostat cultures: A systems analysis at flux, residual glucose, metabolite, and transcript levels. Biotechnol Bioeng 115(1):114-125,2018.

15. Lu H, Cao W, Ouyang L, Xia J, Huang M*, Chu J*, Zhuang Y, Zhang S, Noorman H. 2017. Comprehensive reconstruction and in silico analysis of Aspergillus niger genome‐scale metabolic network model that accounts for 1210 ORFs. Biotechnology and bioengineering 114(3):685-695,2017.

16. Hong Ming,Mou Han,Liu Xiaoyun,Huang Mingzhi,Chu, Ju*. C-13-assisted metabolomics analysis reveals the positive correlation between specific erythromycin production rate and intracellular propionyl-CoA pool size in Saccharopolyspora erythraea. BIOPROCESS AND BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING. SEP 2017

17. Chen Chongchong, Hong Ming, Chu Ju*, Huang Mingzhi*, Ouyang, Liming, Tian, Xiwei,   Zhuang Yingping.  Blocking the flow of propionate into TCA cycle through a mutB knockout   leads to a significant increase of erythromycin production by an industrial strain of Saccharopolyspora erythraea. BIOPROCESS AND BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING, FEB 2017

18. Guo Qian, Chu Ju*, Zhuang Yingping, Gao Yang. Controlling the feed rate of propanol to optimize erythromycin fermentation by on-line capacitance and oxygen uptake rate measurement [J]. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2016, 39(2): 255-265.

19. Tian Xiwei, Wang Yonghong*, Chu Ju*, Zhuang Yingping, Zhang Siliang. Enhanced l-lactic acid production in Lactobacillus paracasei by exogenous proline addition based on comparative metabolite profiling analysis [J]. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2016, 100(5): 2301-2310.

20. Lu Fei, Wang Zejian, Zhao Wei, Chu Ju*, Zhuang Yingping. A simple novel approach for real-time monitoring of sodium gluconate production by on-line physiological parameters in batch fermentation by Aspergillus niger [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 202: 133-141.

21. Tian Xiwei, Zhang Ning, Yang Yi, Wang Yonghong*, Chu Ju*, Zhuang Yingping, Zhang Siliang. The effect of redox environment on l-lactic acid production by Lactobacillus paracasei—A proof by genetically encoded in vivo NADH biosensor [J]. Process Biochemistry, 2015, 50(12): 2029-2034.

 22. Lu Hongzhong, Liu Xiaoyun, Huang Mingzhi*, Xia Jianye, Chu Ju*, Zhuang Yingping, Zhang Siliang, Noorman Henk. Integrated isotope-assisted metabolomics and 13C metabolic flux analysis reveals metabolic flux redistribution for high glucoamylase production by Aspergillus niger [J]. Microbial Cell Factories, 2015, 14(1): 147-160.

23. Lu Fei, Ping Kangkang, Wen Lin, Zhao Wei, Wang Zejian*, Chu Ju*, Zhuang Yingping. Enhancing gluconic acid production by controlling the morphology of Aspergillus niger in submerged fermentation [J]. Process Biochemistry, 2015, 50(9): 1342-1348.

24. Tang Wenjun, Pan Ao, Lu Hongzhong, Xia Jianye*, Zhuang Yingping, Zhang Siliang, Chu Ju*, Noorman Henk. Improvement of glucoamylase production using axial impellers with low power consumption and homogeneous mass transfer [J]. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 99: 167-176.

25. Lu Hongzhong, Li Chao, Tang Wenjun, Wang Zejian, Xia Jianye*, Zhang Siliang, Zhuang Yingping, Chu Ju*, Noorman Henk. Dependence of fungal characteristics on seed morphology and shear stress in bioreactors [J]. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2015, 38(5): 917-928.

26. Shi Fei, Tan Jun, Chu Ju*, Wang Yonghong, Zhuang Yingping, Zhang Siliang. A qualitative and quantitative high-throughput assay for screening of gluconate high-yield strains by Aspergillus niger [J]. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 2015, 109: 134-139.

27. Chen Yong, Wang Zejian, Chu Ju*, Xi Beili, Zhuang Yingping. The glucose RQ-feedback control leading to improved erythromycin production by a recombinant strain Saccharopolyspora erythraea ZL1004 and its scale-up to 372-m3 fermenter [J]. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2015, 38(1): 105-112.

28. Wang Guan, Tang Wenjun, Xia Jianye, Chu Ju*, Noorman Henk, van Gulik Walter M.. Integration of microbial kinetics and fluid dynamics toward model-driven scale-up of industrial bioprocesses [J]. Engineering in Life Sciences, 2015, 15(1): 20-29.

29. Tan Jun, Chu Ju*, Wang Yonghong, Zhuang Yingping, Zhang Siliang. High-throughput system for screening of Monascus purpureus high-yield strain in pigment production [J]. Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 2014, 1(1): 1-7.

30. Zhang Qiang, Chen Yong, Hong Ming, Gao Yang, Chu Ju*, Zhuang Yingping, Zhang Siliang. The dynamic regulation of nitrogen and phosphorus in the early phase of fermentation improves the erythromycin production by recombinant Saccharopolyspora erythraea strain [J]. Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 2014, 1(1): 1-6.

31. Tian Xiwei, Wang Yonghong*, Chu Ju*, Zhuang Yingping, Zhang Siliang. Oxygen transfer efficiency and environmental osmolarity response to neutralizing agents on l-lactic acid production efficiency by Lactobacillus paracasei [J]. Process Biochemistry, 2014, 49(12): 2049-2054.

32. Tian Xiwei, Wang Yonghong*, Chu Ju*, Zhuang Yingping, Zhang Siliang. l-Lactic acid production benefits from reduction of environmental osmotic stress through neutralizing agent combination [J]. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2014, 37(9): 1917-1923.

33. Wang Guan, Chu Ju*, Noorman Henk, Xia Jianye, Tang Wenjun, Zhuang Yingping, Zhang Siliang. Prelude to rational scale-up of penicillin production: a scale-down study [J]. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2014, 98(6): 2359-2369.

34. Zhu Pei, Chen Daijie, Liu Wenbin, Zhang Jianbin, Shao Lei, Li Ji-an, Chu Ju*. Hydroxylation and hydrolysis: two main metabolic ways of spiramycin I in anaerobic digestion [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 153: 95-100.

35. Chen Yong, Huang Mingzhi, Wang Zejian, Chu Ju*, Zhuang Yingping, Zhang Siliang. Controlling the feed rate of glucose and propanol for the enhancement of erythromycin production and exploration of propanol metabolism fate by quantitative metabolic flux analysis [J]. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2013, 36(10): 1445-1453.

36. Tan Jun, Chu Ju*, Hao Yuyou, Wang Yonghong, Yao Sichao, Zhuang Yingping, Zhang Siliang. A high-throughput screening strategy for accurate quantification of erythromycin [J]. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2013, 44(4): 538-544.

37. Chen Yong, Wang Zejian, Chu Ju*, Zhuang Yingping, Zhang Siliang, Yu Xiaoguang. Significant decrease of broth viscosity and glucose consumption in erythromycin fermentation by dynamic regulation of ammonium sulfate and phosphate [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 134: 173-179.

38. Tan Jun, Chu Ju*, Hao Yuyou, Guo Yuanxin, Zhuang Yingping, Zhang Siliang. High-throughput system for screening of Cephalosporin C high-yield strain by 48-deep-well microtiter plates [J]. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2013, 169(5): 1683-1695.

39. Chu Ju*, Qian Jiangchao, Zhuang Yingping, Zhang Siliang, Li Yourong. Progress in the research of S-adenosyl-L-methionine production [J]. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2013, 97(1): 41-49.

40. Pethick Florence E., MacFadyen Alison C., Tang Zhenyu, Sangal Vartul, Liu Tze-Tze, Chu Ju, Kosec Grefor, Petkovic Hrvoje, Guo Meijn, Kirby Ralph, Hoskisson Paul A., Herron Paul R., Hunter Iain S*.. Draft genome sequence of the oxytetracycline-producing bacterium Streptomyces rimosus ATCC 10970 [J]. Genome Announce, 2013, 1(2): e00063-13.

41. Tan Jun, Chu Ju*, Shi Wenjuan, Lin Cheng, Guo Yuanxin, Zhuang Yingping, Zhang Siliang, Imanaka Tadayuki. High-throughput screening strategy used for enhanced production of pigment by Monascus purpureus D39-4 [J]. Food Science and Biotechnology, 2012, 21(6): 1603-1610.

42. Yang Yiming, Xia Jianye*, Li Jianhua, Chu Ju*, Li Liang, Wang Yonghong, Zhuang Yingping, Zhang Siliang. A novel impeller configuration to improve fungal physiology performance and energy conservation for cephalosporin C production [J]. Journal of Biotechnology, 2012, 161(3): 250-256.

43. Zou Xiang, Xia Jianye, Chu Ju*, Zhuang Yingping, Zhang Siliang. Real-time fluid dynamics investigation and physiological response for erythromycin fermentation scale-up from 50 L to 132 m3 fermenter [J]. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2012, 35(5): 789-800.

44. Wu Dan, Chu Ju*, Hao Yuyou, Wang Yonghong, Zhuang Yingping, Zhang Siliang. Incomplete protein disulphide bond conformation and decreased protein expression result from high cell growth during heterologous protein expression in Pichia pastoris [J]. Journal of Biotechnology, 2012, 157(1): 107-112.

45. Liang Jianguang, Chu Xiaohe, Xiong Zhiqiang, Chu Ju*, Wang Yonghong*, Zhuang Yingping, Zhang Siliang. Oxygen uptake rate regulation during cell growth phase for improving avermectin B1a batch fermentation on a pilot scale (2 m3) [J]. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2011, 27(11): 2639-2644.

46. Wu Dan, Chu Ju*, Hao Yuyou, Wang Yonghong, Zhuang Yingping, Zhang Siliang. High efficient production of recombinant human consensus interferon mutant in high cell density culture of Pichia pastoris using two phases methanol control [J]. Process Biochemistry, 2011, 46(8): 1663-1669.

47. Qin Xiulin, Qian Jiangchao*, Yao Gaofeng, Zhuang Yingping, Zhang Siliang,Chu Ju*, GAP Promoter Library for Fine-Tuning of Gene Expression in Pichia pastoris,A PPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY ,2011,77 (11): 3600-3608 

48.Qin X.,Qian J*.,Xiao C., Zhuang Y.,Zhang S., Chu J.*, Reliable high-throughput approach for screening of engineered constitutive promoters in the yeast Pichia pastoris LETTERS IN APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY,2011, 52(6 ): 634-641

49. Zou Xiang,Li Wan-jun,Zeng Wei,Chu Ju*,Zhuang Ying-ping,Zhang Si-liang, An assessment of seed quality on erythromycin production by recombinant Saccharopolyspora erythraea strain ,BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2011,102 (3): 3360-3365 

50 .Li Jianhua,Yang Yiming,Chu Ju*,Huang, Mingzhi*,Li Liang,Zhang Xiaochun,Wang Yonghong,Zhuang Yingping,Zhang Siliang, Quantitative metabolic flux analysis revealed uneconomical utilization of ATP and NADPH in Acremonium chrysogenum fed with soybean oil, BIOPROCESS AND BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING ,2010 ,33  ( 9)  : 1119-1129  

51 .Zou Xiang,Zeng Wei,Chen Chang-fa,Qi Xia-chang,Qian Jiang-chao,Chu Ju*,Zhuang, Ying-ping,Zhang Si-liang,Li Wan-jun,Fermentation Optimization and Industrialization of Recombinant Saccharopolyspora erythraea Strains for Improved Erythromycin A Production ,BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOPROCESS ENGINEERING  ,2010 , 15 (6 ): 959-968 

52. Liang Jian-Guang, Chu Xiao-He, Chu Ju* , Wang Yong-Hong, Zhuang Ying-Ping, Zhang, Si-Liang  Oxygen uptake rate (OUR) control strategy for improving avermectin B-1a production during fed-batch fermentation on industrial scale (150 m(3)) ,AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY ,2010 ,9(42) :7186-7191   

53. Zou X, Chen C. –F, Huang H.-F, Chu J*, Zhuang Y-P, Zhang S-L, Response Surface Methodology for Optimization of the Erythromycin Production by Fed-Batch Fermentation Using an Inexpensive Biological Nitrogen Source, CHEMICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING QUARTERLY, 2010,24(1): 95-2010

54 . Zou Xiang , Hang Hai-feng , Chu Ju *, Zhuang Ying-ping, Zhang Si-liang, Oxygen uptake rate optimization with nitrogen regulation for erythromycin production and scale-up from 50 L to 372 m3 scale. Bioresource Technology. 2009, 100 :1406–1412

55. Zou Xiang, Hang Hai-feng , Chu Ju *, Zhuang Ying-ping, Zhang Si-liang , Enhancement of erythromycin A production with feeding available nitrogen sources in erythromycin biosynthesis phase,Bioresource Technology,2009,100 (13) :3358-3365

56.Wang Y, Chu J, Zhuang YP, Wang YH, Xia JY, Zhang SL*, Industrial bioprocess control and optimization in the context of systems biotechnology, Biotechnology Advances,2009, 27(6): 989-995  

57. Zhou Jin , Wang Yong-Hong *, Chu Ju, Luo Ling-Zhi, Zhuang Ying-Ping, Zhang Si-Liang, Optimization of cellulase mixture for efficient hydrolysis of steam-exploded corn stover by statistically designed experiments. BioresourceTechnology , 2009,100 :819–825

58. Li Zhen-Lin, Wang Yong-Hong * , Chu Ju * , Zhuang Ying-Ping and Zhang Si-Liang,Leucine improves the component of isovalerylspiramycins for the production of bitespiramycin,Bioprocess & Biosystem Engineering, 2009, 32: 641-647

59. Hu Hui, Qian Jiangchao *, Chu Ju *, Wang Yonghong, Zhuang Yingping , Zhang Siliang,

Optimization of l-methionine feeding strategy for improving S-adenosyl-l-methionine production by methionine adenosyltransferase overexpressed Pichia pastoris,Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology, 2009, 83 (6): 1105-1114

60. Hu Hui, Qian Jiangchao *, Chu Ju *, Wang Yonghong, Zhuang Yingping , Zhang Siliang, DNA shuffling of methionine adenosyltransferase gene leads to improved S-adenosyl-l-methionine production in Pichia pastoris, Journal of Biotechnology, 2009, 141: 97–103

61. Zou Xiang, Hang Hai-feng, Chen Chang-fa, Chu Ju *, Zhuang Ying-ping, Zhang Si-liang,Application of oxygen uptake rate and response surface methodology for erythromycin production by Saccharopolyspora erythraea. J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol 2008, 35:1637–1642

62. Chen Yun, Deng Wei, Wu Jiequn, Qian Jiangchao, Chu Ju, Zhuang Yingping, Zhang Siliang and Liu Wen *. Genetic Modulation of the Overexpression of Tailoring Genes eryK and eryG Leading to the Improvement of Erythromycin A Purity and Production in Fermentation of Saccharopolyspora erythraea. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2008, 74(6): 1820-1828.

63. Zhou J, Wang YH, Chu J*, Zhuang YP, Zhang SL and Yin P. Identification and purification of the main components of cellulases from a mutant strain of Trichoderma viride T 100-14. Bioresource Technology, 2008, 99: 6826–6833.


1. 一种提高肌苷发酵过程糖苷转化率及产率的方法,发明申请号:200310122798.9,申请日期:2003-12-25,授权号: ZL 2003 1 0122798.9, 授权日期:2006-01-04, 申请人:储炬,陈双喜,张嗣良,庄英萍

2. 新的蚯蚓纤溶酶及其编码序列与用途,发明专利申请号:200510023241.9,申请日期:2005-01-12, 授权号ZL 2005 1 0023241.9,授权日期:2007-12-19,申请人:储炬,黄文华,秦奕辉,庄英萍,张嗣良

3. 一种发酵生产S-腺苷甲硫氨酸的方法,发明专利申请号:200710036807.0,申请日期:2007-01-25,授权号ZL 2007 1 0036807.0,授权日期:2010-06-16,申请人:储 炬,张 卓,张嗣良,庄英萍,王永红,胡晓清,袁中一

4. 一种S-腺苷甲硫氨酸生产菌株的构建及大规模发酵,发明专利申请号:200610117828.0,申请日期:2006-11-01,授权号ZL 2006 1 0117828.0,授权日期:2009-09-09,申请人:储 炬,胡 辉,王 勇,张嗣良,庄英萍

5. 利用铵离子调控林可霉素发酵过程及提高林可霉素产量,发明专利申请号:200810032954.5,申请日期:2008-01-23,授权号:ZL 2008 1 0032954.5,授权日期:2011-12-21,申请人:储 炬,李 啸,张嗣良,庄英萍,杭海峰,王永红,郭美锦,夏建业

6. 一种重组复合α干扰素的制备方法,专利申请号:200510028285.0 申请日期:2005-07-29, 授权号ZL 2005 1 0028285.0,授权日期:2008-3-5,申请人:储炬,郝玉有,张嗣良,庄英萍,史琪琪,王永红,杭海峰,刘志敏

7. 一种红霉素的制备方法,申请号 200810042768.X,申请日期:2008年9月11日,公开号:CN101671381A,专利授权号:ZL200810042768.X,授权日期:2012-10-10,申请人:储炬,邹祥,李万钧,段洪武,庄英萍,张嗣良

8.提高红霉素生产菌的碳源利用率和转化效率从而改进红霉素合成效率的方法 授权专利号ZL 201610380439.0 授权日期:2020-11申请人:储炬、陈冲冲、黄明志、洪铭、庄英萍、欧阳立明、宋佳丽

9.一种黑曲霉批发酵生产葡萄糖酸钠的方法 授权专利号 ZL 201510847480.X 授权日期:2020-11申请人:储炬、路飞

10.红色糖多孢菌胞内辅酶A和有机酸的提取方法 授权专利号ZL 201610393375.8 授权日期:2020-11  申请人:储炬 洪铭 黄明志

11.检测样品中氨基酸、有机酸或磷酸糖代谢产物的新型内标物 授权专利号ZL 201710618104.2 授权日期:2020-11 申请人:储炬、刘秀


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