发布时间:2024-06-18   访问次数:33452






  白云鹏,beat365官方最新版教授,博士生导师,教育部青年长江学者,上海市青年拔尖人才,上海市浦江人才。本科和硕士毕业于清华大学(2000-2007),博士毕业于剑桥大学(2007-2011),瑞典皇家理工学院博士后(2012-2014)。现任生物工程系主任,生物反应器工程国家重点实验室固定人员,担任九三学社上海市委教育、制造专委会委员,上海市生物工程学会合成生物学、青年工作委员会委员,Bioresources and Bioprocessing青年编委。从事微纳生物制造研究,主持科研项目16项,包括国家自然科学基金面上项目两项、国家重点研发计划子课题三项、横向课题四项,在ACS Catal, PNAS, Biosens.& Bioelectron., J. Hazard. Mater., ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng., ACS Synth. Biol., Chin. Chem. Lett., J. Agric. Food Chem.SCI期刊上发表论文50多篇,申请中国发明专利18项,授权10项,2项在企业实现成果转化,1项完成转让,获2018年上海市技术发明一等奖(排名第六)。主编《生物反应工程原理》教材1本,获中国石油和化学工业优秀出版物教材一等奖(2021),上海市教学成果奖一等奖(2022,排名第四),中国化工教育协会优秀教学成果一等奖(2020,排名第二),beat365官方最新版青年五四奖章(2018)



(1) 新酶创制:采用生物信息学和合成生物学等工具,发展基于整细胞生物传感器的高通量酶定向进化技术,发现和改造结构新颖、功能独特的酶催化剂,构建新的催化反应,实现手性化合物的高效合成和重大环境污染物的高效降解。

(2) 纳米反应器:发展基于蛋白自组装的纳米多酶反应器,创制纳米复合效应的无机-酶纳米复合催化剂,研究纳米限域效应、临近效应、大分子拥挤效应调控的酶催化机理,开发非生物元件强化的人工生物杂合体系。

(3) 微流连续反应:采用飞秒激光、3D打印、定向冷冻等先进制造技术,设计构建3D微反应芯片和固定化酶微反应器,开发连续流生物催化体系,探索体外多酶级联连续反应规律和产业应用。


1. Han, Z.Y.; Huanca Nina, M. R.; Zhang, X.Y.; Huang, H.Y.; Fan, D.D.; Bai, Y.P.* Discovery and characterization of two novel polyethylene terephthalatehydrolases: one from a bacterium identified in human feces and one fromthe Streptomyces genus. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 472, 134532.

2. Chu, L.L; Zhang, X.Y.; Li, J.N.; Deng, X.L.; Wu, M.; Cheng, Y.; Zhu, W.P.; Qian, X.H.; Bai, Y.P.*, Continuous-flow synthesis of polysubstituted γ-butyrolactones via enzymatic cascade catalysis. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2024, 35, 108896.

3. Deng, X.L.; ‡ Fan, M.; Wu, M; Zhang, X.Y.; Cheng, Y.; Xia, J.Y.; Zhuang, Y.P.; Zhu, W.P.; Qian, X.H.; Bai, Y.P.*, Continuous-flow enzymatic synthesis of chiral lactones in a three-dimensional microfluidic reactor. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2024, 35, 108684.

4. Feng, T.T.; Liu, J.X.; Zhang, X.Y., Fan, D.D.; Bai, Y.P.*, Protein engineering of multi-enzyme virus-like particle nanoreactors for enhanced chiral alcohol synthesis. Nanoscale Advances, 2023, 5, 6606-6616.

5. Li, J. W.; Huanca Nina, M. R.; Zhang, X. Y., Bai, Y. P.* Engineering Transcription Factor XylS for Sensing Phthalic Acid and Terephthalic Acid: An Application for Enzyme Evolution. ACS Synthetic Biology, 2022, 11, 1106-1113.

6. Qian, Y. Y.; ‡ Chu, L. L.; ‡ Zhang, X. Y.; ‡ Lu, Z. W.; Bai, Y. P.* Stereoselective synthesis of structurally diverse (S)-lactams via an engineered amine dehydrogenase. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2022, 364(24), 4289-4299.

7. He, J. W.#; Zhang, X. Y.#; Qian, Y. Y.; Wang, Q. Y.; Bai, Y. P.* An Engineered Quorum-Sensing-Based Whole-Cell Biosensor for Active Degradation of Organophosphates. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2022, 206, 114085.

8. Li, Hai-Peng; You, Zhi-Neng; Liu, Yuan-Yang; Zheng, Gao-Wei; Mo, Yiming; Zhu, Ning; Bai, Y. P.*; Xu, Jian-He*. Continuous-flow Microreactor-enhanced Clean NAD+ Regeneration for Biosynthesis of 7-Oxo-lithocholic Acid. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2022, 10, 1, 456-463.

9. Fan, J. H.; Zhang, Y. H.; Wu, P.; Zhang, X. Y.; Bai, Y. P.* Enhancing Cofactor Regeneration of Cyanobacteria for the Light-Powered Synthesis of Chiral Alcohols. Bioorganic Chemistry, 2022, 118, 105477.

10. Zhang, Y.Q.#; Feng, T.T.#; Cao, Y.F.#; Zhang, X.Y.#; Wang, T.; Huanca Nina, M.R.; Wang, L.C.; Yu, H.L.; Xu, J.H.; Ge, J.*; Bai, Y.P.* Confining enzyme clusters in bacteriophage P22 enhances cofactor recycling and stereoselectivity for chiral alcohol synthesis. ACS Catalysis, 2021, 11, 16, 10487–10493.

11. Zhang, Y. Y.#; Zhang, X. Y.#; Cheng, H.#; Huanca Nina, M. R.; Ge, J.*; Bai, Y. P.* Reshaping the active pocket of promiscuous lactonases for degrading bulky organophosphate flame retardants. Chemical Communications, 2021, 57, 6475-6478.

12. Zhao, F.N.; He, J.W.; Li, X.J.; Bai, Y.P.*; Ying, Y.B.; Ping, J.F.* Smart plant-wearable biosensor for in-situ pesticide analysis. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2020,170:112636.

13. Huang, H.#; Zhang, X.Y.#; Zhao, Y.L.; Xu, D.S.; Bai, Y.P.* Biodegradation of Structurally Diverse Phthalate Esters by a Newly Identified Esterase with Catalytic Activity toward Di(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67 (31): 8548-8558.

14. Chen, M.; Zhang, X.Y.; Zhang, C.; Zheng, Y.C.; Pan, J.; Xu, J.H.*; Bai, Y.P.* Efficient Stereoselective Synthesis of Structurally Diverse γ-/δ-Lactones Using an Engineered Carbonyl Reductase. ChemCatChem, 2019, 11, 2600-2606.

15. Bai, Y.P.*; Luo, X.J.; Zhao, Y.L.; Li, C.X.; Xu, D.S.; Xu, J.H.* Efficient degradation of malathion in the presence of detergents using an engineered organophosphorus hydrolase highly expressed by Pichia pastoris without methanol induction. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2017, 65 (41): 9094–9100.

16. Huang, M.T.#; Bai, Y.P. #; Sjostrom, S.L.; Hallström, B.M.; Liu, Z.H.; Petranovic, D.; Uhlén, M.; Joensson, H.N.; Andersson-Svahn, H.; Nielsen, J.*, Microfluidic screening and whole-genome sequencing identifies mutations associated with improved protein secretion by yeast. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2015, 112(34): 4689-4696.


1.  国家自然科学基金委面上项目,22378120, 2024.01-2028.12, 基于固定化纳米反应器的连续流酶催化及限域效应研究。

2.  科技部国家重点研发计划子课题,2023YFA09136032023.12-2028.11非生物元件增强的合成生物体系高效制备及协同进化

3.  科技部国家重点研发计划子课题,2021YFC21028042021.12-2023.12固定化酶催化过程强化与长效循环策略

4.  国家自然科学基金委面上项目,22078096, 2021.01-2024.12, 生物催化合成多取代手性γ-/δ-内酯及立体选择性催化机制研究

5.  上海市科技重大专项子任务,新一代微化工芯片应用基础及器件设计评价

6.  国家重点研发计划青年项目任务,2016YFA02043002016.07-2021.06生物-化学复合纳米催化剂体系应用基础研究


1.  本科专业核心课《生物反应工程原理》(上海市重点课程)48学时

2.  本科专业基础课《生物医药产业与工程经济学》,32学时




