发布时间:2023-01-06   访问次数:2018







肖泽宇,教授,博士生导师,国家海外高层次青年人才,上海市高层次人才,上海市卫生健康学科带头人。主要从事诊疗药物递送的研究工作,包括基于拉曼影像的诊疗药物递送、诊疗药物的口服结肠靶向递送、DNA模块化可编程的诊疗药物等方向,并用于结肠部位疾病的活体原位可视化诊断及治疗。在Chem.Soc.Rev., Chem, Nature Comm. Angew.Chem., Nano Lett, ACS Nano等杂志发表论文40余篇,总引用达6300多次,3篇入选ESI高被引论文,研究成果多次被美国著名专业网络杂志C&E News,等转载报道。申请或授权国际国内专利11, 其中1项专利成果进入人体临床研究。参编英文专著3本。曾获哈佛大学医学院授予的哈佛大学生命科学领域杰出研究工作奖,美国癌症研究协会授予的青年女科学家奖等。作为课题负责人主持科技部国家重点研发计划1项、主持国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作项目、面上项目等5项。现任中国化学会分子医学专委会委员,中国抗癌协会纳米肿瘤学专委会委员,中国化学会女化学工作者委员会委员。



1. 基于拉曼影像的诊疗药物

2. 诊疗药物的口服结肠靶向递送

3. DNA模块化可编程的诊疗药物



1.  国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作项目,功能模块化光动力药物用于克服非小细胞肺癌旁路激活耐药


2.  国家重点研发计划,多模块可编程纳米药物的活体动态可视化研究,2020/11-2025/10,在研,主持;

3.  上海市卫生健康委人才项目,诊疗药物递送,2023/01-2025/12,在研,主持;

4.  国家自然科学基金面上项目,拉曼纳米探针用于活性氧异常疾病的医学分析研究,2019/01-2022/12  




1. 一种结肠菌酶响应聚合物及其制备方法和应用, 2022.10. 28, 中国,202211329338.2

2. 一种连接体及其制备方法, 2022. 8.15, 中国,202210973620.8

3. 活性氧响应的聚合物、载体及其应用, 2022.01.04, 中国,CN109608647 B

4. 一种基于核酸适体的靶向分子探针及其制备方法和应用,2022.08.25202211016917.1

5. 核苷类衍生物改性的核酸适体sgc8, 2020.12.02, 中国,202011387309.2



1.      Zhao N, Wu W, Wang Y, Song K, Chen G, Chen Y, Wang R, Xu J, Cui K, Chen H, Tan W, Zhang J*, Xiao Z*. DNA-modularized construction of bivalent ligands precisely regulates receptor binding and activation. Chem2022, in press.

2.      Cui K, Li R, Zhang Y, Qiu Y, Zhao N, Cui Y, Wu W, Liu T, Xiao Z*. Molecular planarization of Raman probes to avoid background interference for high-precision intraoperative imaging of tumor micrometastases and lymph nodes. Nano Lett. 2022, doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c03416.

3.      Zhang Y, Cui Y, Li M, Cui K, Li R, Xie W, Liu L, Xiao Z*. DNA-assembled visible nanodandelions with explosive hydrogen-bond breakage achieving uniform intra-tumor distribution (UITD)-guided photothermal therapy. Biomaterials2022, 282, 121381.

4.      Cui K, Zhang Y, Chen G, Cui Y, Wu W, Zhao N, Liu T, Xiao Z*. Molecular regulation of polymeric Raman probes for ultrasensitive microtumor diagnosis and noninvasive microvessle imaging. Small2022, 18(41):e2203227

5.      Xia F, He A, Zhao H, Sun Y, Duan Q, Abbas S J, Liu J*, Xiao Z*, Tan W*. Molecular Engineering of Aptamer Self-assemblies Increases in Vivo Stability and Targeted Recognition. ACS Nano 2022,16,1,169-179

6.      Fan C, Zhao N, Cui K, Chen G, Chen Y, Wu W, Li Q, Cui Y, Li R, Xiao Z*. Ultrasensitive Exosome Detection by Modularized SERS Labeling for Postoperative Recurrence Surveillance. ACS Sens. 2021 6(9):3234-3241.

7.      Gao S, Yu S, Zhang Y, Wu A, Zhang S, Wei G, Wang H*, Xiao Z*, Lu W*. Molecular engineering of near-Infrared-II photosensitizers with steric-hindrance effect for image-guided cancer photodynamic therapy. Adv. Func. Mater.2021, 31(14), 2008356

8.      Gao S, Wei G, Zhang S, Zheng B, Xu J, Chen G, Li M, Song S, Fu W, Xiao Z*, Lu W* Albumin tailoring fluorescence and photothermal conversion effect of near-infrared-II fluorophore with aggregation-induced emission characteristics. Nat Commun.2019,10(1):2206.

9.   Gu X, Qiu Y, Lin M, Cui K, Chen G, Chen Y, Fan C, Zhang Y, Xu L, Chen H, Wan JB, Lu W*, Xiao Z*. CuS  Nanoparticles as a Photodynamic Nanoswitch for Abrogating Bypass Signaling To Overcome Gefitinib Resistance.Nano Lett. 2019,19(5):3344-3352

10.   Qiu Y, Lin M, Chen G, Fan C, Li M, Gu X, Cong S, Zhao Z, Fu L, Fang X*, Xiao Z*. Photodegradabl CuS SERS probes for intraoperative residual tumor detection, ablation and self-clearance. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2019, 11(26):23436-23444

11.   Wu W, Xiao Z*. A deep learning “ticket” for single-molecule analysis of protein stoichiometry. Sci China Chem 2019. 62(10): 1269-1270

12.   Xu J, Yu S, Wang X, Qian Y, Wu W, Zhang S, Zheng B, Wei G, Gao S, Cao Z, Fu W, Xiao Z*, Lu W*. High Affinity of Chlorin e6 to Immunoglobulin G for Intraoperative Fluorescence Image-Guided Cancer Photodynamic and Checkpoint Blockade Therapy. ACS Nano 2019, 13,10242-10260

13.   Qiu Y, Zhang Y, Li M, Chen G, Fan C, Cui K, Wan J, Han A, Ye J*, Xiao Z*Intraoperative detection and eradication of residual microtumors with gap-enhanced Raman tags. ACS Nano 2018, 12(8):7974-7985.

14.   Cui K, Fan C, Chen G, Qiu Y, Li M, Lin M, Wan JB, Cai C, Xiao Z*. para-Aminothiophenol Radical Reaction-Functionalized Gold Nanoprobe for One-to-All Detection of Five Reactive Oxygen Species in Vivo. Anal Chem.2018, 90, 12137-12144

15.   Li M, Qiu Y, Fan C, Cui K, Zhang Y, Xiao Z*Design of SERS nanoprobes for Raman imaging: materials, critical factors and architectures.Acta Pharm Sin B. 2018, 8(3):381-389



1. 临床医学八年制、五年制本科生《药理学总论》主讲教师

2. 渥太华英文班本科生《药理学总论》主讲教师

3. 研究生及本科生《药学导论》主讲教师






