发布时间:2022-02-22   访问次数:1696






1) 生物催化剂的挖掘与改造

2) 工业生物过程技术集成与产业化



国家重点研发项目:生物基聚氨酯绿色制造技术的开发与产业化示范 (2021YFC2101900)子课题;


科技部“863”计划项目:生物催化还原制备手性芳基醇关键技术研究(2006AA02Z205) 生物催化合成芳香手性醇基内酰胺(2007AA02Z225)




1. Yin DY#, Pan J (共同一作)#, Zhu J,  Liu YY, Xu JH*. A green-by-design bioprocess for L-carnosine production integrating enzymatic synthesis with membrane separation. Catal. Sci. Technol., 2019, 9: 59715978.

2. Zhang Y#, Pan J(共同一作)#, Luan ZJ, Xu GC*, Xu JH*, Park SH. Promiscuous esterase activity of a novel bacterial chloroperoxidase for highly enantioselective synthesis of a chiral cilastatin precursor. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 2014, 80:7348-7355.

3. Liu CH#, Pan J(共同一作) #, Ye Q, Xu JH*. Enzymatic production of Cilastatin intermediate via highly enantioselective hydrolysis of methyl (±)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane carboxylate using newly isolated Rhodococcus sp. ECU1013. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 2013, 97: 7659–7667.

4. Chen C, Xuan Y, Chen Q, Ni GW, Pan J*, Xu JH*. Asymmetric reduction of 2-chloro-3-oxo-ester into enantiomerically high pure diltiazem precursor by a Candida ketoreductase. Mol. Catal., 2021, 510: 111670.

5. Zhang LJ, Hu P, Pan J*, Yu HL*, Xu JH. Immobilization of trophic anaerobic acetogen for semi-continuous syngas fermentation.Chin. J. Chem. Eng. 2021, 29: 311-316.

6. Sun QF, Zheng YC, Chen Q, Xu JH*, Pan J*. Engineering of an oleate hydratase for efficient C10-Functionalization of oleic acid. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 2021, 537: 64-70.

7.  Wu YX, Pan J*, Yu HL, Xu JH*. Enzymatic synthesis of 10-oxostearic acid in high space-time yield via cascade reaction of a new oleate hydratase and an alcohol dehydrogenase. J. Biotechnol.: X, 2019, 2N100008.

8. Jiao XC, Pan J*, Kong XD, Xu JH*. Protein engineering of aldolase LbDERA for enhanced activity toward real substrates with a high-throughput screening method coupled with an aldehyde dehydrogenase. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 2017, 482: 159−163.

9.  Jiao XC, Zhang YJ, Chen Q, Pan J*, Xu JH*. A green-by-design system for efficient bio-oxidation of an unnatural hexapyranose into chiral lactone for building statin side-chains. Catal. Sci. Technol., 2016, 6(19): 7094-7100.

10. Jiao XC, Pan J*, Xu GC, Kong XD, Chen Q, Zhang ZJ, Xu JH*. Efficient synthesis of statin precursor in high space-time yield by a new aldehyde-tolerant aldolase identified from Lactobacillus brevis.Catal. Sci. Technol., 2015, 5: 4048-4054

11. Chen J, Luo XJ, Chen Q, Pan J*, Zhou J, Xu JH*. Marked enhancement of Acinetobacter sp. organophosphorus hydrolase activity by a single residue substitution Ile211Ala. Bioresour. Bioprocessing, 2015, 2: 39.

12. Zhou DJ, Pan J*, Yu HL, Zheng GW, Xu JH*. Target-oriented discovery of a new esterase-producing strain Enterobacter sp. ECU1107 for whole cell-catalyzed production of (2S,3R)-3-phenylglycidate as a chiral synthon of Taxol. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 2013, 97(14): 6293-6300.

13. Ju X, Yu HL, Pan J*,Xu JH*. Improved production of Pseudomonas sp. ECU1011 acetyl esterase by medium design and fed-batch fermentation. Bioprocess Biosys. Eng., 2012, 35: 323–331.



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