发布时间:2023-03-06   访问次数:10631





王泽建,197812月生,中共党员,博士,教授,硕士生导师。2010年毕业于beat365官方最新版,获生物化工博士学位,随后在beat365官方最新版从事教学与科研工作,2015年荷兰代尔夫特理工大学留学。beat365官方最新版及生物反应器工程国家重点实验室、国家生化工程技术研究中心(上海)技术骨干。主要从事细胞微观代谢流、生物发酵过程工艺优化与放大、工业发酵工程设计、生物在线仪表研制与应用、生物发酵智能控制等方面研究。已在Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol, Industrial Crops & ProductsBiotechnology and Bioengineering, Bioresource Technology, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 等著名学术期刊发表学术论文70余篇。申请/授权国家发明专利40项(其中含国际专利5项)。作为项目或课题负责人承担国家自然科学基金委青年基金3项、国家863项目3项、973计划项目1项、国家科技支撑项等3项,工业和信息化部项目。获得国家科技进步二等奖1项,轻工业联合会科技进步一等和二等奖各1项,轻工业联合会技术发明奖二等奖1项,上海市科学技术进步二等奖1项,河北省科学技术进步一等奖1项,产学研创新成果奖1项。


1.      微生物代谢工程技术


2.      发酵过程智能控制优化技术


3.      工业发酵工程设计与放大




1、  2020-2024 “脱氮假单胞菌氧限制条件下NADPH对维生素B12生物合成的应激代谢调控机理研究” 32071471,项目负责人;

2、  2021-2025 基于培养环境应激响应的维生素工业菌株重构,国家重点研发计划“绿色生物制造”重点专项,子课题负责人;

3、  2013-2016 “同位素标记实验考察脱氮假单胞菌的甜菜碱代谢机制与微观代谢通量分析,国家自然科学基金, 31200024,项目负责人

4、  2020-2024 “嗜盐菌底盘细胞代谢网络模型构建与发酵工艺优化放大研究”2020YFA096800,国家重大专项项目,子课题负责人;

5、  2017-2021 国家重点研发计划项目微生物活菌含量计量关键技术研究”2017YFF0204602,子课题负责人;

6、  2017-2020国家科技重大专项项目大宗抗生素发酵过程水污染物减排技术优化”2017ZX07402003,子课题负责人;

7、  2013-2016 “有机酸发酵过程关键参数在线检测与控制技术研究 863计划 2015AA021005子课题负责人;

8、  2012-2015 “基于稳定性同位素13C的细胞微观代谢通时检测系统研制及应用研究国家支撑计划,2011BAF02B0,子课题负责人。

9、  2011-2014 “VB12发酵过程生产菌活细胞量检测仪研制及应用研究,国家科技支撑计划, 2011BAF02B03,子课题负责人;

10、2013-2014 “利福霉素高效菌株选育及发酵工艺关键技术研究河北省科技支撑项目,13272803D,项目负责人;

11、2012-2014 “生物过程关键技术及装备研发 863课题,2012AA021201 ,课题骨干;

12、2012-2015 “基于宏观和微观代谢分析相结合的细胞代谢过程9732012CB721006 课题骨干。



研究生必修课 “发酵工程技术32学时)

研究生必修课 “生物工程创新试验24学时)

本科生必修课 “食品机械与设备32学时)

本科生选修课 “生命科学导论32学时)



[1]  Zebo Liu, Linxiao Du; Nan Liu; Ali Mohsin, Xiaofeng Zhu, Huijie Sun, Bei Zhou; Zhongping Yin, Yingping Zhuang, Zejian Wang*. Insights into chlorogenic acids' efficient biosynthesis through Carthamus tinctorius cell suspension cultures and their potential mechanism as a-glucosidase inhibitors, 2023.

[2] Zebo Liu, Xiaofeng Zhu, Zejian Wang*, Meijin Guo et al.Embryogenic callus induction, cell suspension culture, and spectrum-effect relationship between antioxidant activity and polyphenols composition of Siraitia grosvenorii cultured cells. Industrial Crops & Products, 2022 (176) 114380

[3] Meng Wang, Zejian Wang*, Bo Li, et.al., Accurate and online quantification of viable Rhodobacter sphaeroides cells using a flow cytometry-dielectric spectroscopy (FCM-DS) method, Talanta, 2022,245: 123448.

[4] Liu, W. , Ding, L. , Xu, J. , Shang, Y. , Wang, Z*. , & Liu, H.. Synthesis of sinapic acid modified sodium hyaluronate particles and the one-step processing of multiple pickering emulsion. Colloids and Surfaces, A. Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2022, 644.

[5] Gao, X., Feng, T., Sheng, M. , Wang, ZJ. , & Ma, H.. Characterization of the aroma-active compounds in black soybean sauce, a distinctive soy sauce. Food Chemistry,2021, 298: 130334.

[6]  Weilu Lin, Mingzhi Huang, Zejian Wang, Yingping Zhuang, Siliang Zhang, Modelling steady state intercellular isotopic distributions with isotopomer decomposition units Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2019,121:248-264.

[7]  Weilu Lin, Zejian Wang*, Mingzhi Huang, Yingping Zhuang, Siliang Zhang, On stability analysis of cascaded linear time varying systems in dynamic isotope experiments, AIChE Journal, 2020, 66(5).

[8]   Zejian WangXingzi ZhangPing WangYingping ZhuangOxygen Uptake Rate Controlling Strategy Balanced with Oxygen Supply for Improving Coenzyme Q10 Production by Rhodobacter sphaeroides[J]Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2020,25(3):459-469.

[9]  Zejian Wang,Jiayun Xue, Huijie Sun, Mingxia Zhao, Yonghong Wang, Ju Chua,Yingping Zhuanga, Evaluation of mixing effect and shear stress of different impeller combinations on nemadectin fermentation. Process Biochemistry. 2020, 92: 120-129.

[10] Weilu Lin, Zejian Wang, Mingzhi Huang, Yingping Zhuang, Siliang Zhang, On structural identifiability analysis of the cascaded linear dynamic systems in isotopically non-stationary 13C labelling experiments Mathematical Biosciences, 2018,330: 122-129

[11]  Zhang Qin , Sun Jingyun , Wang Zejian*,Haifeng Hanga⁎, Wei Zhao, Yingping Zhuang, Ju Chu. Kinetic analysis of curdlan production by Alcaligenes faecalis with maltose, sucrose, glucose and fructose as carbon sources.[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 259:319-324

[12]  Ze-Jian Wang, Hui-lin Shi, Ping Wang. The online morphology control and dynamic studies on improving vitamin B12 production by Pseudomonas denitrificans with online capacitance and specific oxygen consumption rate. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2016, 179(6):1115 -1127

[13]  Ze-Jian Wang, Wei Zhang, Jian-Wen Zhang, Mei-Jin Guo and Ying-ping Zhuang*, Optimization of broth conductivity controlling strategy directed by online viable biomass sensor for enhancing Taxus cell growth rate and taxol productivity. RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 40631 – 40640

[14]  Song, X., Zhang, Y., Xue, J., Li, C., Wang, Z. *, Wang, Y., Enhancing nemadectin productionby Streptomyces cyaneogriseus ssp. noncyanogenus through quantitative evaluation and optimization of dissolved oxygen and shear force, Bioresource Technology 2018,255(9), 180-188

[15]  Jianguang Liang, Jie Zhao, Zejian Wang* Yonghong Wang, A temperature gradient-based high cell density fed-batch fermentation for the production of pyruvate oxidase by recombinant E. coliPreparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology 16 Feb 2018, 48(2):188-193.

[16]   Yu Liu, Zejian Wang*, Jianye Xia, Cees Haringa, Yaping Liu, Ju Chu, YingPing Zhuang, Siliang Zhang*. Application of Euler–Lagrange CFD for quantitative evaluating the effect of shear force on Carthamus tinctorius L. cell in a stirred tank bioreactor. Biochemical Engineering Journal, Volume 114, 2016, Pages 209-217.

[17]  Yu Liu, Ze-Jian Wang*, JianWen Zhang, Jian-ye Xia, Ju Chu, Si-Liang Zhang, Ying-Ping Zhuang. Quantitative evaluation of the shear threshold on Carthamus tinctorius L. cell growth with computational fluid dynamics in shaken flask bioreactors. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 113(15), 66-76.

[18]  Fei Lu, Kangkang Ping, Ling Wen, Wei Zhao, Zejian Wang*, Ju Chu, Yingping Zhuang, 2015. Enhancing gluconic acid production by controlling the morphology of Aspergillus niger in submerged fermentation. Process Biochemistry. 50, 1342–1348.

[19]  Fei Lu, Zejian Wang*, Wei Zhao, Ju Chu, Yingping Zhuang, 2015. A simple novel approach for real-time monitoring of sodium gluconate production by on-line physiological parameters in batch fermentation by Aspergillus niger. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 202:133.

[20] Kang-Kang Ping, Ze-Jian Wang,* Fei Lu,Wei Zhao,Ju Chu,Ying-Ping Zhuang and Yong-HongWang Effect of oxygen supply on the intracellular flux distribution and a two-stage OUR control strategy for enhancing the yield of sodium gluconate production by Aspergillus niger, J Chem Technol Biotechnol, 2015, 91(5):1443-1451

[21]  Hongtu Zhao, Kunyun Pang, Weilu Lin, Zejian Wang*, Daqi Gao, Meijin Guo*, Yingping Zhuang. Optimization of the n-propanol concentration and feedback controlstrategy with electronic nose in erythromycin fermentation. Processes.  Biochemistry, 2016,51(2), 195-203.

[22]  Zejian Wang, Ping Wang, Ju Chu, Siliang Zhang. Enhance vitamin B12 production by online CO2 concentration control optimization in 120 m3 fermentation. Journal of Bioprocessing & Biotechniques, 2014, 16:109-115.

[23]  Yu Liu, Ze-Jian Wang, Lan Li, Xiaolin Cui, Ju Chu, Si-Liang Zhang* Ying-Ping ZhuangOn-line monitoring the aggregate size distribution of Carthamus tinctorius L. cells with multi-frequency capacitance measurementsRsc Advances, 2016, 6, 89764–89769

[24]  Fei Lu, Chao Li, Zejian Wang*, Wei Zhao, Ju Chu, Yingping Zhuang, Siliang Zhang. High efficiency cell-recycle continuous sodium gluconate production by Aspergillus niger using on-line physiological parameters association analysis to regulate feed rate rationally. Bioresource Technology 220 (2016) 433–441

[25]    Yong Chen, Zejian Wang, Ju Chu, Yingping Zhuang, Siliang Zhang. Significant decrease of broth viscosity and glucose consumption in erythromycin fermentation by dynamic regulation of ammonium sulfate and phosphate. Bioresour Technol 134, 173-179.

[26]  Tao Wang, Xiwei Tian, Tingting Liu, Zejian Wang, Wenyan Guan, Meijin Guo, Ju Chu, Yingping Zhuang. Enhancement of lipid productivity with a novel two-stage heterotrophic fed-batch culture of Chlorella protothecoides and a trial of CO2 recycling by coupling with autotrophic process. Biomass and Bioenergy, 2016, 95, 235-243

[27]  Tao Wang, Haiyan Ge, Tingting Liu, Xiwei Tian, Zejian Wang, Meijin Guo, Ju Chu, Yingping Zhuang, Stress induced lipid accumulation in heterotrophic culture cells of Chlorella protothecoides: Mechanisms based on the multi-levelanalysis of oxidative response, key enzyme activity and biochemicalalteration Journal of Biotechnology 228 (2016) 18–27.

[28] Lan Li, Zejian Wang*, Ju Chu, Yingping Zhuang. Optimization of polyhydroxyalkanoates fermentations with on-line capacitance measurement. Bioresource Technology, 156 (2014) 216–221

[29]  Ze-Jian Wang; Yi-Ming Zhang; Hui-Yuan Wang; Ju Chu; Ying-Ping Zhuang; Si-Liang Zhang. Improved vitamin B12 production by stepwise reduction of oxygen uptake rate under dissolved oxygen limiting level during fermentation process. Bioresource Technology, 2010, 101(8): 2845-2852

[30]  Ze-Jian Wang, Ping Wang, Ju Chu, Si-Liang Zhang. Optimization of nutritional requirements and ammonium feeding strategies for improving vitamin B12 production by Pseudomonas denitrificans. African Journal of Biotechnology 2011, 10(51): 10551-10561

[31]  Ze-Jian Wang, Ping Wang, Yu-Wei Liu,Yi-Ming Zhang, Ju Chu, Ming-zhi Huang, Ying-Ping Zhuang, Si-Liang Zhang. Metabolic flux analysis of the central carbon metabolism of the industrial vitamin B12 producing strain Pseudomonas denitrificans using 13C-labeled glucose. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2012 43(2):181-187

[32]    Gao Daqi, Dastagir Ahmed, Guo Lili, Wang Zejian*.Pseudo-inverse linear discriminants for the improvement of overall classification accuraciesNeural Networks, 2016 81, 59-71

[33]   Xiangyun Lv, Bo Yu, Xiwei Tian, Yu Chen, Zejian Wang, Yingping Zhuang, Yonghong Wang Effect of pH, glucoamylase, pullulanase and invertase addition on the degradation of residual sugar in L-lactic acid fermentation by Bacillus coagulans HL-5 with corn flour hydrolysate. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, Volume 61, April 2016, Pages 124-131

[34]   Yong Chen, Zejian Wang, Ju Chu, Yingping Zhuang, Siliang Zhang. Controlling the feed rate of glucose and propanol for the enhancement of erythromycin production and exploration of propanol metabolism fate by quantitative metabolic flux analysis. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2013, 36(10):1445-53.

[35]  Jing Han, Zejian Wang*, Hua Xiang, Siliang Zhang. Multiple Propionyl-CoA Supplying Pathways for Production of Bioplastic Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) in Haloferax mediterranei , AEM, 2013.79(9) 2922-2931.

[36]  Wang Ji, Gao Daqi, Wang Zejian, Quality-grade evaluation of petroleum waxes using an electronic nose with a TGS gas sensor array, Measurement Science and Technology, 2015, 26: 85-95.

[37]    王泽建,栗波,张琴,庄英萍。葡萄糖和麦芽糖碳源底物对粪产碱杆菌合成凝胶多糖的胞内代谢流影响[J].中国生物工程杂志, 2020,40(5):30-39.

[38]    王泽建,张琴,王萍,庄英萍.恒化培养条件下粪产碱杆菌凝胶多糖的发酵动力学研究[J].食品工业科技, 2019,25(3):139-146.

[39]    王泽建,赵琳琳,储炬,庄英萍,张嗣良。脱氮假单胞菌生产维生素B12过程中粪卟啉的测定及发酵调控。中国生物工程杂志,2011, Vol.31 NO.8

[40]    王建, 王泽建,黄明志, 钱江潮,储炬,张嗣良. 13C-MFA过程中GC-MS分析菌体蛋白氨基酸的13C标记丰度, 中国生物工程杂志, 2009, 29(07): 87-93

[41]    王泽建,王萍,张琴, .微生物发酵过程生理参数检测传感器技术与过程优化[J].生物产业技术,2018,(1):19-32.

[42]    张亚飞,王泽建,陈中兵, .一种低场核磁共振技术快速定量检测发酵液油浓度方法[J].中国抗生素杂志,2017,42(8):673-679.



1    郭美锦,尹学健,王泽建,肖慈英,杭海峰,储炬,庄英萍,一种快速生长的罗汉果胚性愈伤组织的制备方法,201910161105.8CN109792955A

2    Gao Daqi, Wang Zejian, Zhang Xiaoqin, Song Jiamin, Electronic nose instrument and an online sensory quality evaluation method for tobacco and tobacco products. US10895560B2.

3    Gao Daqi, Zhang Xiaoqin, Wang Zejian, Zhao Liming, An online monitoring and analysis method of environmental odors based on a multi-point centralized electronic nose instrument, US10948467B2.

4    郭美锦,尹学建,王泽建,祝晓丰,肖慈英,庄英萍;一种用于培养牛至愈伤组织的诱导培养基及诱导方法,申请号:201911040606.7

5    Meijin Guo, Jiarui Li, Zejian Wang, Yuxia Chen, Yingping Zhuang, Application of living cell sensor in cryopreservation plantcells, PCT/CN2017/112299, 2017.11.22.

6  高大启,张小勤,王泽建,大数据驱动的恶臭气体多点集中式电子鼻仪器在线分析方法,ZL201810471708.32018.05.18申请,2019.04.16授权

7    高大启,张小勤,赵黎明,宋佳敏,王泽建,金志超,一种恶臭气体多点集中式在线监测与分析系统及方法,ZL 201810471613.12018.05.18申请,2019.04.19授权

8   高大启,宋佳敏,张小勤,王泽建,一种烟草与烟草制品电子鼻仪器检测方法,申请号:20171105491462017.10.31日申请,2018.07.10授权。

9     高大启,张小勤,王泽建,宋佳敏,张景广,金志超,烟草与烟草制品感官质量的电子鼻仪器评价方法,申请号:20171106078132017.10.31日申请,2018.08.28授权。

10    王泽建,张明,张剑坤,张嗣良,张明,庄英萍,郭美锦,黄明志,夏建业,王宝根。发酵联动装置。申请号:ZL201220588863.12013.5.8

11    王泽建,张明,张剑坤,张嗣良,张明,庄英萍,王宝根。发酵联动装置及发酵联动实现方法。申请号:ZL201210446219.5

12     郭美锦,赵宏图,孙靖淳,张荣凯,王泽建,储炬,庄英萍,张嗣良,红霉素发酵过程中电子嗅检测正丙醇的方法。申请号CN201510184683.5

13    张嗣良,王泽建,张一鸣,储炬,庄英萍。优化的脱氮假单胞菌生产维生素B12方法与合成培养基专利授权号:ZL200810204263.9

14     高大启,张小勤,王泽建,赵黎明,An online monitoring and analysis method of environmental odors based on a multi-point centralized electronic nose instrument申请号:PCT/CN2018/0889132018. 05. 30

15     张嗣良,王泽建,王慧媛,黄明志,储炬,庄英萍。基于氧消耗速率的维生素B12发酵生产控制工艺。专利授权号:ZL200910196035.6

16    张嗣良,陈学军,王泽建,李永亮,王振国,谢丽华。基于尾气中CO2浓度的维生素B12发酵生产控制工艺。CN102399845A.

17    黄明志,王泽建,张一鸣,陈丽,刘玉伟,储炬,庄英萍,张嗣良。微型全息式生物传感反应器系统。专利授权号:ZL201010176549.8,专利授权日:2013.6.26

18      黄明志,李敏超,王泽建,刘玉伟,储炬,庄英萍,张嗣良,一种可精确定时、定量并在位灭活的全自动快速取样设备。专利授权号:ZL201310180305.0,授权日期:2014.10.12






E-mailwzjvictory@163.com; wangzejian@ecust.edu.cn.
