发布时间:2019-02-19   访问次数:12098







山东烟台人,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。20037月毕业于中国海洋大学,获博士学位(导师:包振民教授);20037月至今,beat365官方最新版工作;2012年至2014年,在美国俄亥俄州立大学做访问学者研究工作(合作导师:Prof.Wood);现在beat365官方最新版生物分离工程研究室工作,任生物工程系副系主任,从事生物分离工程方面的研究和教学工作,国家级精品课程和资源共享课程《生物分离工程》主讲教师,承担本科生和研究生的《生物分离工程》教学,上海市化工学会生物技术与工程专业委员会秘书,承担和参加国家自然科学基金项目和企业合作项目等多项课研课题,发表科研论文40余篇,其中在“Journal of Chromatography A”、 “Separation and purification technology”、“International Journal of Hydrogen Energy”、“Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry”等本领域重点SCI期刊上发表论文多篇。







1. Lili Dong, Junfen Wan, Xuejun Cao, Separation of transglutaminase using aqueous two-phase systems composed of two pH-response polymers, Journal of Chromatography A, 2018, 1555: 106-112.(IF=3.7)

2. Haiyan Mu, Junfen Wan, Yuanwang Wu, Juan Xu, Le Wang, Xuejun Cao, Novel polymer supported graphene and molybdenum sulfide as highly efficient cocatalyst for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43: 18105-18114.(IF=4.2)

3. Juan He, Junfen Wan, Ting Yang, Xuejun Cao, Lin Yang, Recyclable aqueous two-phase system based on two pH-responsive copolymers and its application to porcine circovirus type 2 Cap protein purification,Journal of Chromatography A, 2018, 1555: 113-123.(IF=3.7)

4. Zhiliang Gai, Junfen Wan, Xuejun Cao, Synthesis of pH-responsive polymers forming recyclable aqueous two-phase systems and application to the extraction of demeclocycline,Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2019,142: 89-96. (IF=3.2)

5. Junfen Wan, Wenying Dong, Xuejun Cao,Polymerization of a new thermo-responsive copolymer with N-vinylcaprolactam and its application in recyclable aqueous two-phase systems with another thermo-responsive polymer. Bioresource and Bioprocessing, 2018, 5: 44-49.

6. Qi Liu, Junfen Wan, Xuejun Cao, Synthesis of core-shell molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP) for spiramycin I and their application in MIP chromatography,Process Biochemistry, 2018, 70: 168-178.(IF=2.6)

7. Mingxiang Lin, Tingting Yu, Junfen Wan, Xuejun Cao, Prediction of the Reverse Micellar Extraction of Papain Using Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulation,Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2017, 181: 1338–1346.(IF=1.8)

8. Tingting Yu, Mingxiang Lin, Junfen Wan, Xuejun Cao, Molecular interaction mechanisms in reverse micellar extraction of microbial transglutaminase,Journal of Chromatography A, 2017,1511: 25-36.(IF=3.7)

9. Chengning Xu, g, Junfen Wan, Xuejun Cao,Synthesis of thermo-responsive polymers recycling aqueous two-phase systems and phase formation mechanism with partition of -polylysine,Journal of Chromatography A, 2016,1472 : 44–54.(IF=3.7)

10. Yueqian Zhang, Junfen Wan, Xuejun Cao, Separation of cordycepin using surface molecular imprinting technology, Process Biochemistry, 2016, 51: 517-527.(IF=2.6)

11. Junfen Wan, Qingxi Li, Feng Zhou, Jingjing Liu, Xuejun Cao,Influence of chaotropes on recovery of trypsin and micellar sizes during reverse micelle extraction,Separation and purification technology,2013, 116: 307-312. (IF=3.9)

12. Bo Zhou, Junfen Wan, Xuejun Cao. Effect of Chaotrope in Reverse Micellar Extraction of Kallikrein, Process Biochemistry, 2012, 47: 229-233.(IF=2.6)

13. Junfen Wan, Jiemin He, Xuejun Cao. A novel process for preparing pure chenodeoxycholic acid from poultry Bile. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2012. 18: 65-71.(IF=4.8)

14. Liang Shuang, Wan Junfen, Zhu Jianliang, Cao Xuejun, Effects of porogens on the morphology and enantioselectivity of core-shell molecularly imprinted polymers with ursodeoxycholic acid, Separation and Purification Technology, 2010, 72: 208–216.(IF=3.9)

15. Zhou Libo, Wan Junfen, Cao Xuejun, Synthesis of thermo-sensitive copolymer with affinity butyl ligand and its application in lipase purification, Journal of Chromatography B, 2010, 878: 1025–1030.(IF=2.5)

16. Junfen Wan, Wei Wang, Ning biao, Xuejun Cao. Partition of Several bioproducts in a recycling aqueous two-phase system with pH-light responsive copolymers, Separation and Purification Technology, 2010, 76:104-109.(IF=3.9)


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