发布时间:2017-03-20   访问次数:12621





湖北人,微生物学、生物工程专业硕士生导师。近十年来,一直从事微生物选育、生理生化和代谢工程相关基础研究。针对微生物代谢产物的合成与基因遗传改造进行了大量研究工作,涉及微生物生理生化、基因工程、代谢工程以及代谢组学等方面的相关工作。通过微生物细胞代谢过程的碳流向解析、营养组分对微生物细胞代谢全组分的研究等多种手段找到产抗生物放线菌进行基因工程改造的关键基因。目前正在从事放线菌高产抗癌药物的过程优化以及基因工程改造等研究工作。作为项目负责人国家自然科学青年基金、中央高校基本科研业务费-探索研究基金、上海市自然科学基金。现已在生物工程领域相关期刊上公开发表SCI论文10篇;申请发明专利2项,出版著作2部,其中一部由英国皇家学会出版的“Chemical Biotechnology”一书正在出版本人完成书中一章的撰写。国际权威期刊Process BiochemBioprocess and Biosystems EngineeringApplied Biochemistry Biotechnology等国外期刊审稿人。


[1] 放线菌代谢工程与代谢组学:抗生素合成代谢调控及其分子机制

[2] 微生物优良种质高效选育原理和评价


2012.6-2013.7  美国田纳西大学健康科学中心,访问学者

2008.6-至今    beat365官方最新版,讲师、副教授

2007.7-2008.6  beat365官方最新版资源与环境工程,讲师

2002.9-2007.3  beat365官方最新版生物化工专业,工学博士

1997.7-1999.9   湖北荆州农业科学研究院,助理研究员


1. 主讲生物科学专业大三第1学期课程,微生物学,48学时,3学分,专业必修课;

2. 主讲高分子材料等专业:生命科学导论,16学时,1学分,专业选修课;


1. Fengxian Hu, Junhai Huang, Yufang Xu, Xuhong Qian, Jian-Jiang ZhongResponses of Defense Signals, Biosynthetic Gene Transcription and Taxoid Biosynthesis to Elicitation by a Novel Synthetic Jasmonate in Cell Cultures of Taxus chinensisBiotechnol Bioeng, 2006, 94:1064-1071.

2. Feng-xian Hu and Jian-Jiang Zhong. Role of Jasmonic Acid in Alteration of Ginsenoside Heterogeneity in Elicited Cell Cultures of Panax notoginseng. J Biosci Bioeng, 2007, 104:513-516.

3. Feng-xian Hu and Jian-Jiang Zhong. Jasmonic Acid Mediates Gene Transcription of Ginsenoside Biosynthesis in Cell Cultures of Panax notoginseng Treated with Chemicaly Synthesized 2-Hydroxyethyl Jasmonate. Process Biochemistry, 2008, 43:113-118.

4. Xi Chen, Zihui Li, Xiaoxi Zhang, Fengxian Hu, Dewey D. Y. Ryu & Jie Bao. Screening of Oleaginous Yeast Strains Tolerant to Lignocellulose Degradation Compounds, Appllied Biochemistry Biotechnology, 2009, 159: 591-604.

5. Zhinan ZhuZhihua ZhouFengxian HuJie Bao. Photo-fermentation of Rhodobacter sphaeroides for hydrogen production using lignocellulose-derived organic acids, Process Biochemistry, 2010:1894-1898.

6. Jie Bao, Fengxian Hu and Changjun Liu, A production method of sorbitol and gluconate, China patent appl200910199317.1

7. Lihao Guo, Jian Zhang, Fengxian Hu, Dewey Dy Ryu, Jie Bao. Consolidated Bioprocessing of Highly Concentrated Jerusalem Artichoke Tubers for Simultaneous Saccharification and Ethanol Fermentation, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2013, 110:2606-2615.

8. Kehong An, Fengxian Hu, Jie Bao. Simultaneous Saccharification of Inulin and Starch Using Commercial Glucoamylase and the Subsequent Bioconversion to High Titer Sorbitol and Gluconic Acid, Applied biochemistry and biotechnology, 2013, 171:2093-2104

9. Yuxiang Fan, Zhengjiang Zhao, Liujing Wei, Fengxian Hu, Tadayuki Imanaka, Linquan Bai, Qiang Hua. Enhancement of UDPG synthetic pathway improves ansamitocin production in Actinosynnem pretiosum,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology , 2016,100:2651–2662

10. Yuxiang Fan, Fengxian Hu, Liujing Wei, Linquan Bai, Yuxiang Fan, Zhengjiang Zhao, Liujing Wei, Fengxian Hu Effects of modulation of pentose-phosphate pathway on biosynthesis of ansamitocins in Actinosynnema pretiosum, Journal biotechnology, 2016,230 : 3–10

11. Zhengjiang Zhao, Yuxiang Fan, Liujing Wei, Fengxian Hu*, Qiang Hua, Effects of the Methylmalonyl-CoA Metabolic Pathway on Ansamitocin Production in Actinosynnema pretiosum, Applied biochemistry and biotechnology, 2017,181:1167–1178

12. Zhen Li, Fengxian Hu, Ruifang Ye, Pinghe Lv , Zhangji Lu,  Influence of Al3+ on the Production of Spiramycin and Effective Components in Fermentor, Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology




