发布时间:2016-10-19   访问次数:19306






     博士、副研究员,生物化工专业硕士生导师。现生物反应器工程国家重点实验室微分析与生物系统工程研究室从事生物分析及生物传感、生物微纳分析系统研究开发、食品安全及环境污染物相关检测分析研究工作。先后研究开发了基于核酸偶联臂的新型小分子微阵列系统,基于功能核酸的环境重金属污染物检测微阵列及微流控分析系统,基于流动免疫分析的新型微珠阵列介观流控系统,基于功能核酸的致病微生物微流控检测分析系统以及基于分子间相互识别及相互作用的分子及细胞水平的无标记检测系统等。目前主持国家自然科学基金项目、上海市科委科技创新计划以及中央高校基本业务费等多项科研项目。近年来在 Lab on a Chip, Biosens & Bioelectron, Chem Comm, Talanta以及Anal Biochem等期刊发表论文10余篇。申请并获授权专利3项。2008年获上海市技术发明二等奖,2011年入选上海高校青年教师培养资助计划

、 生物分析及生物传感

1. Yali Zhang, Peng Zuo and Bang-Ce Ye. A Low-cost and Simple Paper-based Microfluidic Device for Simultaneous Multiplex Determination of Different Types of Chemical Contaminants in Food. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2015, 68: 14-19.
2. Shen-Quan Jin, Su-Miao Guo, Peng Zuo and Bang-Ce Ye. A cost-effective Z-folding controlled liquid handling microfluidic paper analysis device for pathogen detection via ATP quantification. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2015, 63: 379-383.
3. Yaofang Hu, Peng Zuo, Bang-Ce Ye, Label-free electrochemical impedance spectroscopy biosensor for direct detection of cancer cells based on the interaction between carbohydrate and lectin. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2013, 43: 79-83.
4. Peng Zuo, Xiujun Li, Delfina C. Dominguez, Bang-Ce Ye, A PDMS/paper hybrid microfluidic device integrated with aptamer- functionalized graphene oxide biosensors for one-step multiplexed pathogen detection. Lab on a chip, 2013, 13: 3921–3928.
5. Min Zhang, Su-Miao Guo, Ying-Ru Li, Peng Zuo, Bang-Ce Ye. A label-free fluorescent molecular beacon based on DNA-templated silver nanoclusters for detection of adenosine and adenosine deaminase. Chemical Communications, 2012, 44: 5488-5490.
6. Gioi Dong Huy, Min Zhang, Peng Zuo, Bang-Ce Ye. Multiplexed analysis of Silver (I) and Mercury(II) ions using oligonucleotide-metal nanoparticle conjugates. Analyst, 2011, 136: 3289 - 3294.
7. Lei Hu, Peng Zuo, Bang-Ce Ye. Multicomponent mesofluidic system for the detection of veterinary drug residues based on competitive immunoassay. Analytical Biochemistry, 2010, 405: 89-95.
8. Peng Zuo, Yin Zhang, Jie Liu, Bang-Ce Ye. Determination of β-adrenergic agonists by hapten microarray. Talanta. 2010, 82: 61-66.
9. Bin-Cheng Yin, Peng Zuo, Hao Huo, Xinhua Zhong, Bang-Ce Ye. DNAzyme-self-assembled Gold Nanoparticles for Determination of Metal Ions using Fluorescence Anisotropy Assay. Analytical Biochemistry, 2010, 401: 47-52.
10. Peng Zuo, Bin-Cheng Yin, Bang-Ce Ye. DNAzyme-based microarray for highly sensitive determination of metal ions. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2009, 25: 935-939.
11. Bang-Ce Ye, Songyang Li, Peng Zuo, Xiao-hong Li. Simultaneous Detection of Sulfamethazine, Streptomycin, and Tylosin with Microplate-Based SMM-FIA. Food Chemistry, 2008, 106: 797-803.
10. Dong Zhang, Peng Zuo, Bang-Ce Ye. Bead-Based Mesofluidic System for Residue Analysis of Chloramphenicol. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 2008, 56: 9862-9867.
11. Peng Zuo, Bang-Ce Ye. A novel immobilization strategy using oligonucleotide as linker for small molecule microarrays construction. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2008, 23: 1694-1700.
12. Peng Zuo, Bang-Ce Ye. Small molecule microarrays for drug residue detection in foodstuff. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 2006, 54: 6978-6983.

