发布时间:2022-06-23   访问次数:18172




beat365官方最新版生物反应器工程国家重点实验室 教授,工学博士








1.   研究体外培养过程中干细胞以及效应细胞的代谢特性,从信号通路及细胞代谢调控的角度,设计开发可满足相应细胞高效扩增的无血清培养基;

2.   研究体内微环境组分对干细胞体外扩增及分化的影响及作用机制,研究仿生微环境构建技术与方法,设计研制可模拟体内微环境的生物反应器系统以及过程工艺;

3.   研究高效的效应细胞体外规模化制备技术;

4.    研制细胞体外规模化扩增、冻存相关生物材料。






1. Jin Wang, Xiaodi Shi, Minghao Xiong, Wen-Song Tan, Haibo Cai*. Trehalose glycopolymers for cryopreservation of tissue-engineered constructs. Cryobiology, 2022, 104: 47-55.
2. Jin Wang, Minghao Xiong, Qihao Sun, Wen-Song Tan,
Haibo Cai*. Threedimension co-culture of hematopoietic stem cells and differentiated osteoblasts on gallic acid grafted-chitosan scaffold as a model of hematopoietic stem cells niche. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports, 2022, 18: 1168-1180.
3. Jin Wang, Wubo He, Wen-Song Tan,
Haibo Cai*. The chitosan / carboxymethyl cellulose / montmorillonite scaffolds incorporated with epigallocatechin-3-gallate loaded chitosan microspheres for promoting osteogenesis of human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cell. Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 2022, 9:36-50.
4. Yangyang Liu, Qihao Sun, Mengyang Hao,Wen‑Song Tan,
Haibo Cai*. A novel magnetically controlled bioreactor for ex vivo expansion of NK-92 cells. Bioresources and Bioprocessing 2022DOI: 10.1186/s40643-022-00537-z.
5. Huimin Huang, Zizhen Gong, Xuejun Zhu, Wen‐song Tan,
Haibo Cai*. Xanthan gum enhances peripheral blood CIK cells cytotoxicity in serum-free medium. Biotechnology Progres 2022, DOI: 10.1002/btpr.3279
6. Qihao Sun, Yiran Zhou, Minghao Xiong, Yuying Chen, Wen-Song Tan,
Haibo Cai*. MEK1 activation enhances the ex vivo proliferation of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell. Cell Biochemistry and Function, 2022, 1-11. doi:10.1002/cbf.3677
7. Xuejun Zhu, Qihao Sun, Wen-song Tan, Haibo Cai *. Removal of CD34- cells to increase self-renewal symmetric division and expansion ex vivo of cord blood CD34+ cells through reducing the TGF-β1. Process Biochemistry, 2022, 112: 209-216

8. Xuejun Zhu, Qihao Sun, Wen-song TanHaibo Cai*. Reducing TGF-β1 cooperated with StemRegenin 1 promoted the expansion ex vivo of cord blood CD34+ cells by inhibiting AhR signalling. Cell Proliferation, 2021, DOI: 10.1111/cpr.12999
9. Jin Wang, Qihao Sun, Yin Wei, Mengyang Hao, Wen-Song Tan, Haibo Cai. Sustained release of epigallocatechin-3-gallate from chitosan-based scaffolds to promote osteogenesis of mesenchymal stem cell. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021, 176: 96-105
10. Qihao Sun, Yan Fu, Xuejun Zhu, Wen-Song Tan, Haibo Cai*
. Continuous NF-κB pathway inhibition promotes expansion of human phenotypical hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells through metabolism regulation. Experimental Cell Research, 2021, 399( 2): 112468
11. Qihao Sun, Yiran Zhou, Xuejun Zhu, Wen-Song Tan, and Haibo Cai*
. Optimizing BIO feeding strategy promotes ex vivo expansion of human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 2021,131(2): 190-197
12. Mengyang Hao, Minghao Xiong, Yangyang Liu, Wen-song Tan and
Haibo Cai*. Magnetic-driven dynamic culture promotes osteogenesis of mesenchymal stem cell. Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 2021,8:15
13. JinWang, LehaoZhou, QihaoSun, HaiboCai*
, Wen-SongTan. Porous chitosan derivative scaffolds affect proliferation and osteogenesis of mesenchymal stem cell via reducing intracellular ROS. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 237: 116108
14. Zhang Weiwei, Huang Huimin, Cai Haibo*
, Tan Wen-Song. Enhanced metabolic activities for ATP production and elevated metabolic flux via pentose phosphate pathway contribute for better CIK cells expansion. Cell Proliferation. 2019, 52(3):e12594
15. Tang Chaochun, Zhang Weiwei, Cai Haibo*, Ye Zhaoyang, Zhang Xu, Tan Wensong. Resveratrol improves ex vivo expansion of CB-CD34+ cells via downregulating intracellular reactive oxygen species level. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 2019, 120(5):7778-7787
16. Zhang Yuanhao, Tong Yudong, Pan Xiuwei, Cai Haibo*, Gao Yun*
, Zhang Weian*.Promoted Proliferation of Hematopoietic Stem Cells Enabled by a Hyaluronic Acid/Carbon Nanotubes Antioxidant Hydrogel.Macromolecular Materials and Engineering. 2019, 304(4): 1800630
17. Tong Zhang, Huanyun Chen, Yiran Zhou, Wanghong Dong, Haibo Cai*
WenSong Tan. Cooperation of FGF/MEK/ERK and Wnt/β-catenin pathway regulators to promote the proliferation and pluripotency of mouse embryonic stem cells in serum- and feeder-free conditions. Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 2019, 6(1):12
18. Zhang Weiwei, Cai Haibo*, Tan Wen-song.Dynamic suspension culture improves ex vivo expansion of cytokineinduced killer cells by upregulating cell activation and glucose consumption rate. Journal of Biotechnology, 2018, 287:8-17
19. Tong Yudong, Zhang Yuanhao, Liu Yangyang, Cai, Haibo*, Zhang Weian*, Tan Wen-Song. POSS-enhanced thermosensitive hybrid hydrogels for cell adhesion and detachment. RSC Advances , 2018, 8 (25) :13813-13819
20. Wenyan Zhang, Weiwei Zhang, Xu Zhang, Qin Lu, Haibo Cai*,
Wen-Song Tan.Hyperoside promotes ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells derived from cord blood by reducing intracellular ROS level. Process Biochemistry, 2018, 72:143-151
21. Yuanhao Zhang, Xiuwei Pan, Zhen Shi, Haibo Cai*
, Yun Gao, Weian Zhang*. Sustained release of stem cell factor in a double network hydrogel for exvivo culture of cord blood‐derived CD34+ cells. Cell Proliferation, 2018,51(2):e12407
22. 刘洋洋,周乐豪,郝梦洋, 蔡海波*,谭文松,磁性搅拌珠制备及在 NK-92 细胞体外扩增中的应用, 高校化学工程学报, 2021,35(4): 683-689
田连华,张 童, 蔡海波*,谭文松, 抗坏血酸对动态培养体系中 mESCs 扩增特性的影响, 生物学杂志, 2021,38(3):38-42
24. 应丹妮, 陈焕芸, 付岩, 蔡海波*, 谭文松, 谷氨酰胺和丙酮酸钠对 NK-92
细胞体外扩增的影响, 高校化学工程学报, 2020,34(3):728-736
25. 陈焕芸, 应丹妮, 蔡海波*, 谭文松, γ-聚谷氨酸在细胞冻存中的作用,
高分子通, 2020(04):30-36
26. 龚子祯, 蔡海波*, 谭文松, 黄原胶支持 CIK 细胞高密度扩增,
高校化学工程学, 2019,33(1):128-133
27. 卢意, 蔡海波*, 谭文松, 甘露糖和葡萄糖醛酸组合促进 CIK 细胞体外扩增,
国免疫学杂志, 2019,35(15):1865-1870


1.蔡海波,陈小东,谭文松,张伟伟,施镇,用于免疫杀伤细胞体外扩增的血清替代物组合, ZL201610030317.9
3. 蔡海波,谭文松,陈小东,周乐豪, 用于人免疫杀伤细胞体外扩增的无血清培养基, ZL201710055741.3
4. 蔡海波,张伟安,童煜栋,谭文松,刘洋洋, 耐高温灭菌的细胞培养用水凝胶及其制备方法, ZL 20191012689.2
5. 蔡海波,陈焕芸,周乐豪,谭文松, 细胞冻存液, ZL201810902354.3
6. 蔡海波
,童煜栋,张伟安,张远豪,谭文松,耐高温温敏型细胞培养介质材料及其制备方法, ZL 201810140945.1
8. 蔡海波,刘洋洋,周乐豪,谭文松,用于细胞体外培养的磁控生物反应器系统 CN201910743602.9
9. 蔡海波,王进,何武博,谭文松,一种用于骨组织工程的壳聚糖复合缓释支架及其制备方法, 202110179886.0

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E-mail: caihaibo@ecust.edu.cn
